
Still Another Downtown Hotel Proposed

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Plans to build another large high-rise hotel in downtown San Diego were outlined Friday to the Centre City Development Corp., but the proposal runs counter to the agency’s plans for the area.

The hotel proposal was made by Shearn Platt, a San Diego attorney, for the block bounded by Market Street, Front Street, 1st Avenue and Island Avenue. Platt, who said he is one of the block’s property owners, said the hotel would have 450 to 600 rooms.

Platt’s hotel would be in the heart of the city’s Marina redevelopment area, which city officials have designated for housing. The block Platt wants for the hotel is tentatively designated for a mid-rise commercial and residential building.


CCDC, the city agency in charge of downtown redevelopment, is finishing its development plan for the Marina area. Platt offered his hotel proposal during a CCDC hearing on the Marina plan.

Other developers with building plans for the Marina also spoke at the hearing, including Tom Hom, who wants to build a huge Pacific Rim Centre; Ed Levine, representing Santa Fe Realty, and Louis Wolfsheimer, a San Diego attorney representing developer Neil Senturia, who wants to construct a residential-commercial high-rise building.

The CCDC board of directors, as it has done at all its Marina plan meetings, withheld any formal vote or discussion of specific projects in detail. A final report on the Marina plan is now expected late next month, according to CCDC spokeswoman Kathy Kalland.
