
Temple Beth Emet to Sponsor Marriage Seminar

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Newlyweds or couples planning to be married are invited to attend “How to Make Marriage Work,” a 10-week marriage seminar sponsored by Temple Beth Emet in Anaheim.

The seminar, first of a series offered by the temple, will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays beginning April 15 at the synagogue, 1770 W. Cerritos Ave.

Stressing problem-solving skills, communication and methods to build a strong relationship, the seminar is being offered by the temple in conjunction with the Orange County Board of Rabbis.


The seminar faculty will consist of a professional marriage counselor, a rabbi and a financial planner familiar with problems that often beset young couples, such as parents, money management, family planning and the meaning of love and commitment.

Marriage and family counselor Alyn Bartick, who specializes in guiding couples through difficult transition periods, will lead six of the 10 sessions.

The remaining classes will include a financial expert speaking on dual incomes, insurance, investments, mortgages and budgeting and a local rabbi speaking on how Jewish traditions and life style can strengthen a marriage.


Registration is under way for the series. For more information call Joyce Fruhlinger at (714) 772-4720.
