
John Gavin’s Criticism of a Times Editorial


Our departing ambassador to Mexico, John Gavin, is another example of President Reagan’s appointment of inept unqualified cronies to important posts representing our country. Gavin’s letter (March 29), berating The Times for advocating a diplomatic process to solve Cuban and Central American problems, doesn’t speak well for our so-called diplomat.

It’s amusing that his letter was published at the time that our Administration’s duplicity in the Honduran caper was exposed, with Reagan forcing Honduras to give him an excuse to send $20 million in military aid and helicopter pilots to help fight the Nicaraguans without congressional approval.

It’s time that the people of this country realize that this President and his Administration support war, not peace! After all, peace wouldn’t require the military buildup that our military industrial complex feeds on and denies a solution to the unbelievable deficit, national debt, and this country’s social needs.


I would hope that each of us, who truly want a peaceful world, inform their representatives that we are not impressed with Reagan’s posturing and false reasons for escalating the war in Central America. We want a chance for diplomacy and negotiations through the Contadora nations to succeed without our interference and certainly without voting any more aid in any form to the contra right-wing forces.


Los Angeles
