
5,000 Rally at Site of Philippine Revolt

Associated Press

Two military men whose defection triggered the ouster of President Ferdinand E. Marcos on Tuesday returned to the site of their “People Power” revolt for a Roman Catholic Mass attended by 5,000 people.

Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and Gen. Fidel V. Ramos, the armed forces chief of staff, sat on a stage next to the gates of Camp Crame.

About 20 generals and colonels joined Enrile and Ramos, along with hundreds of soldiers, some of whom tossed white daisies into the crowd from the stage.


Participants in Tuesday’s Mass held candles, flowers and rosary beads in a one-hour evening ceremony. Clergymen told the crowd they will build a church on a corner of the highway next to the camp to commemorate the revolution.
