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The 21st Congressional District, which includes southern Ventura County and the western San Fernando Valley, is one of the most heavily Republican districts in the state, with GOP voters outnumbering Democrats 47% to 42%. About 55% of the district is in Ventura County, but all the previous representatives have come from Los Angeles County. Many young families with children live in this conservative district, particularly in fast-growing Ventura County, where the housing prices are more affordable. Defense-related industries and construction provide the bulk of jobs in the area.

The Questions To help voters make a decision on June 3, The Times asked candidates how they stand on the following issues. Democrat George H. Margolis did not respond to questions. Because Libertarian candidate Daniel Wiener is running unopposed for his party’s nomination, he was not included. 1. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Do you favor Interior Secretary Donald P. Hodel’s five-year plan to open up large portions of California’s coastline to oil exploration?

For the record:

12:00 a.m. May 22, 1986 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday May 22, 1986 Valley Edition Metro Part 2 Page 12 Column 2 Zones Desk 2 inches; 43 words Type of Material: Correction
In a chart published Tuesday showing 21st Congressional District candidates’ responses to questions on issues, one answer by Democrat Stephen H. Dart was incorrectly reported. Dart does support funding for the acquisition of parkland for the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.

No Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Tom La Porte Yes Elton Gallegly Tony Hope 2. CONTRA AID: How would you have voted on the bill, supported by the Reagan administration, which earmarked $100 million in military aid to the Contras?


No Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Yes Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte 3. CONTRA AID: Do you support sending U.S. troops to Nicaruagua if the Contras fail to make any progress in pushing the San dinistas out of power?

No Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte 4. CREDIT CARD INTEREST: Do you favor legislation that would reduce the maximum allowable credit-card interest rate by linking it to money market rates?

Yes Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Don L. Parker Undecided Anthony T. Irek Gilbert R. Saldana Elton Gallegly No Tom La Porte Tony Hope 5. IMMIGRATION: Do you support grant ing amnesty to illegal aliens who arrived before 1982 if it is linked to a crackdown on future illegal immigration?


Yes Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Tony Hope No Elton Gallegly Tom La Porte 6. IMMIGRATION: Would you support amnesty and a subsequent crackdown if Western growers were allowed to use foreign workers legally?

Yes Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Tony Hope Undecided Stephen H. Dart Gilbert R. Saldana No Elton Gallegly Tom La Porte 7. GUN CONTROL: How would you have voted on the bill backed by the National Rifle Assn. which weakened gun control laws enacted after the assasinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

No Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Gilbert R. Saldana Yes Don L. Parker Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte 8. NUCLEAR TESTING: Do you believe the United States should have joined the Soviet Union in its moratorium on testing of nuclear weapons?


Yes Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Gilbert R. Saldana No Don L. Parker Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte 9. TERRORISTS: Did you agree with President Reagan’s decision to bomb Libya?

No Stephen H. Dart Yes Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte 10. STAR WARS: Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger announced this year that President Reagan’s “Star Wars” initia tive is the Pentagon’s “highest priority.” Do you think it should be?

No Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Yes Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte 11. DEFENSE: If you had been in Congress this spring, would you have approved Presi dent Reagan’s requests for an 8% increase in defense spending in 1987 at the same time he was proposing sharply cutting domestic programs?

No Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Undecided Tony Hope Yes Elton Gallegly Tom La Porte 12. TAX REFORM: Do you support elimi nating the tax deduction for state and local taxes?

No Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte 13. MANDATORY DRUG TESTING: Do you believe federal employees should be subject to mandatory, unannounced drug tests?

No Stephen H. Dart Gilbert R. Saldana Yes Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Don L. Parker Tom La Porte Elton Gallegly Tony Hope No Response Anthony T. Irek 14. LIABILITY LIMITS: President Reagan has proposed limiting “pain and suffering” awards in personal injury lawsuits, possibly to $100,000, and limiting attorney contigency fees in these cases. Do you fa vor this?


No Stephen H. Dart Anthony T. Irek Gilbert R. Saldana Yes Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Elton Gallegly Undecided Don L. Parker Tony Hope Tom La Porte 15. APARTHEID: Is President Reagan doing enough to pressure the South African government to stop its policy of apartheid?

No Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Gilbert R. Saldana Yes Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte Undecided Don L. Parker 16. TRADE RESTRICTIONS: Do you generally favor bills designed to protect U.S. products and jobs from foreign competitors, such as a recently passed bill to required federal power agencies to award contracts to U.S. firms if their bids did not exceed those of foreign bidders by more than 25%?

Yes Stephen H. Dart Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana No Tom La Porte Elton Gallegly Undecided Anthony T. Irek Tony Hope 17. BUDGET BALANCING: Would you have voted for the Gramm-Rudman bill, which aimed to impose across-the-board spending reductions if necessary to balance the budget by 1991?

No Stephen H. Dart Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Yes Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Elton Gallegly Tony Hope Tom La Porte 18. SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS PARKS: Do you support funding for the acquisition of parkland for the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area?

No Stephen H. Dart Yes Robert A. “Bob” Felburg Anthony T. Irek Don L. Parker Gilbert R. Saldana Tony Hope Undecided Elton Gallegly Tom La Porte
