
Headlines on Ramirez Case


Media sensationalism regarding Richard Ramirez and the tragic behavior he allegedly exhibited foments hatred, fear, mistrust and lack of understanding. Any discerning reader can logically interpret such wanton disregard of human psychology as nothing more than a political ploy aimed at generating controversy regarding judiciary proceedings within our system of government.

Recently, while discussing the movie “The Bad Seed” among friends, a conclusion was agreed on that there really is no such thing. ‘God don’t make nothin’ that ain’t good.’ Obviously, Ramirez’ alleged actions are a result of factors far more complex than can be understood by scanning a few inches of newspaper space or tuning in to a few minutes of air time. Analysis of motivations, determination of rehabilitation potential and prevention of similar misdeeds by others are responsibilities best handled by qualified, competent people who have been taught by our society how best to handle these situations.

Whipping up controversy in this manner causes me to wonder whether the real motivation behind such sensationalism might more aptly be defined as a political attempt to sway the electorate against Chief Justice Rose Bird. Her reluctance to sign away a person’s life is well documented. It’s worthy of tremendous respect, since she obviously uses her own conscience in determining right from wrong.


Continued exhibition of such ignorant behavior by supposedly responsible and unbiased journalists is wasteful of time and energy. It doesn’t fool me a bit, but merely makes for awful television imagery over dinner, and even more disgusting imagery at the breakfast table. You who provide us all with pertinent information that enables us to better understand our own selves and our relations within the city of Angels ought to consider your own angelic behavior and don your thinking caps before plastering feelings all over the community that belie and insult the intelligence of those who combine thinking with feeling.


Studio City
