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Immigration and Naturalization Service officials said Wednesday the agency is investigating allegations of wrongdoing raised against Border Patrol Agent-in-Charge Robert J. Stille. Stille, the supervising agent at the Border Patrol’s station in Campo, is under investigation for allegedly giving a $500 informant’s payment to a suspected alien smuggler.

Jack Feemfter, an investigator with the INS Office of Professional Responsibility, said the allegation was included in one of two anonymous letters received by Border Patrol officials about Stille’s conduct.

According to the allegations, Stille justified the $500 payment in 1984 on grounds that the unidentified informant provided information that led to four separate arrests of illegal aliens. However, the letter said that in three of those instances the arrests resulted from investigations initiated by Border Patrol agents working independently.


Border Patrol officials said the anonymous letters may have been written by a disgruntled agent.
