
LOS ANGELES COUNTY - News from June 24, 1986

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Ben C. Wang, founder and former chairman of Rexon Inc., has resigned from the Culver City firm. Wang most recently served as vice chairman of the company and headed the advanced marketing and technology division.

Rexon, a multiuser microcomputer company, was formed in 1978 as Rexon Business Machines Corp. Later, Wang established the Wangtek tape-drive subsidiary.

Wang’s departure from Rexon did not surprise observers. In two restructurings in the past 18 months, he had been stripped of his chairman’s title and later of the company presidency.


Rexon found itself in financial troubles in 1984, losing $5.7 million that year and $6 million the next. As part of a financing arrangement, turnaround specialist Q. T. Wiles became chairman in early 1985.

Wiles remains chairman of the company; Michael Preletz is president, and Glen Maddalon is president of Wangtek.

Company officials said that Wang was unavailable for comment and that they were unaware of any plans he might have.
