
Ex-Rajneesh Town Again Shuns Dissolution

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Associated Press

For the second time, voters have rejected an effort to dissolve this tiny central Oregon retirement community that for 3 1/2 years was run by followers of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

The mail vote on disincorporation was 18 against to 10 for, Wasco County Clerk Sue Proffitt said Tuesday.

Mayor Jean Opray had argued that surrendering the town’s 1901 charter would guarantee that no group would gain political control of the town again.


Opponents said that there was no point in disincorporating now that the Rajneesh sect has departed. Followers of the guru disbanded their commune last fall after he pleaded guilty to immigration law violations and was ordered to leave the country.

Residents had tried to disincorporate the town once before, in 1982, to prevent the Rajneesh takeover. They were outvoted by disciples of the guru.
