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“There just can’t be any question about that. He’s just got to be normal (heterosexual).” Thank you, director-turned-doctor Steve Carver for your statement informing us that normalcy is synonymous with heterosexuality (“Real Men Don’t Need Kisses,” by Pat H. Broeske, June 22).

Let’s get it straight (pardon the pun), Mr. Carver. Several years ago the American Medical Assn. let it be known to the “normal” world that any classification of homosexuality as medically abnormal or diseased would be medically incorrect .

Perhaps you were just too busy directing your “normal” movies with their “normal” stars to have heard the AMA statement. I guess it just takes this type of “normal” mentality to work and endorse those “normally violent” films you make.

Abnormally yours,


Long Beach
