
Choice for 7th Circuit Judgeship


It appears to me that the political bias of your editorial staff has once again poked its nose into the political arena and is trying to influence the appointment of another judge to the federal bench more in keeping with your own prejudices.

You say that the judge is unfit because of his inability to spell properly or to be grammatically correct. That is not the only necessary criterion for appointment. If that were the case, a lot more appointments would be made from your profession, wouldn’t they?

Will Rogers is quoted as saying, “We are all ignorant, just about different things.” From your editorial, it is apparent that Will was right. Don’t look now, but I think your ignorance is showing and it is displaying your bias on a person’s ability just because he doesn’t spell according to your liking.


As you travel editorially in the future, may I suggest that you visit the Notre Dame Law School and turn right.


Pastor, First Christian Church

