
Nebraska Halts TMI Shipment for Four Hours

From United Press International

A train carrying nuclear waste from the crippled reactor at Three Mile Island crossed the Nebraska prairie into Wyoming Wednesday, leaving behind an irate Gov. Robert Kerrey who said he had not been notified of the shipment.

Kerrey ordered the train halted at the Kansas border for four hours Tuesday night because he said federal officials did not disclose its timetable.

“They violated the most important part of the agreement we had,” Kerrey said Wednesday. “They notified every single state along the route except Nebraska.”


But a TMI official in Middletown, Pa., said the state was not notified of the shipment’s timetable because Nebraska officials failed to request that information.

The shipment, bound for the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory in Idaho Falls, Ida., had already passed through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas.
