
Overzealous Zealots

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If the real goal of the zealots who haunt U.S. family-planning programs is to prevent abortions, they have failed once again. More abortions, not fewer, will result from the decision by the Agency for International Development to withhold the U.S. contribution of $25 million to the U.N. Fund for Population Activities because of Chinese population policies. The move will deny much-needed contraceptive services around the world.

The United States contributes about 20% of the U.N. fund’s budget, which supports family-planning programs in China and 133 other developing countries. But U.S. officials have determined that China’s policy is coercive, in that it encourages abortions and sterilizations to keep each family from having more than one child. Now all countries must suffer because of displeasure with the policies of one.

China contends that its program is not coercive, but that is hard to judge in a society so tightly controlled. There is little doubt among independent observers that the Chinese have been led to horrendous actions, including killing unwanted baby girls. The alternatives to such murderous acts include more vigorous promotion of contraception, but you can’t promote if you can’t pay.


And if Americans think that only foreign women will be affected by this mentality, think again. When Congress returns from its recess, the Senate will be considering reauthorization of the nation’s family-planning program. Opponents of abortion and even of family planning are preparing amendments that would cripple the services that are the main source of birth-control information for 5 million poor women and teen-agers. Another 4 million women and teen-agers at risk of unintended pregnancies are not being served even under current programs.

It is a global attack; it is a domestic attack. And it must be resisted.
