
‘Bring Back Insurance Sanity’

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Congratulations on an accurate and well-reasoned editorial, in which you blame the insurance industry for the so-called “liability insurance crisis” because of: (1) the insurance industry’s exemption from antitrust law; (2) the lack of regulation of insurance premium increases; (3) the insurance industry’s anti-competitive pricing practices.

Further, you correctly stated that “there is little evidence to suggest that reforming the legal system would make insurance cheaper and more available.” However, where were you with this position during the Proposition 51 campaign, a campaign orchestrated by the insurance industry to fatten its already bulging pockets?

Of course, it’s always better late than never, and I only hope the next time the insurance industry mounts such an unjustified attack on our tort system to deny victims just compensation, that you will continue to let the truth be known.


“The unwatched,, uncontrolled insurance industry bears the primary responsibility for the insurance crisis,” you wrote. I couldn’t have said it better myself.


