
Those in the social whirl--and that’s a...

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Times Staff Writer

Those in the social whirl--and that’s a vast crowd--will need all that stored-up summer energy. September’s smashing, October’s outrageous. Don’t look beyond. Just a few dates, and some essential catchup from summer hiatus.

U.S. Information Agency Director Charles Z. Wick has assigned Joseph Sinay to be luncheon chairman for the agency’s 1986 Motin Picture Award to Columbia Pictures’ chairman emeritus Leo Jaffe Oct. 17 at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Lew Wasserman is honorary chairman. Jaffee will receive the award for his outstanding contributions to the motion picture industry and his tireless efforts in securing films for the U.S. Embassies around the world. He’s chairman of the USIA Motion Picture and Television Committee, whose role is to help tell America’s story oversees.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Sept. 5, 1986 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday September 5, 1986 Home Edition View Part 5 Page 14 Column 4 View Desk 1 inches; 28 words Type of Material: Correction
Mrs. Alfred Bloomingdale, who wore a suit like that worn by an Adolfo model in the Saks fashion show, did not parade in the show as stated in a caption in the View section. She was a member of the audience.

You might say that Adolfo aficionado Betsy Bloomingdale absolutely one-upsmanshipped all her Amazing Blue Ribbon compadres from the Music Center this week at Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills. More than 400 squeezed in to see Adolfo and welcome him. And there was Betsy, wearing his purple suit and black silk blouse, with the Adolfo touch down to the loop gold necklace, when the same suit swayed down the fashion ramp. Always an early-bird fashion buyer, she picked it up in New York a few weeks ago.


But, it was hard to tell whether there were more Adolfos in the fall show or in the audience. Caroline Singleton and Onalee Doheny were side-by-side in Adolfo dresses with the matching jacket trims. Marion Jorgensen was close to the stage in hers, sitting next to Jean (Mrs. William French) Smith, who was a Chanel-clad. Right there, were Keith Kieschnick (“I spent $20,000, mentally, today on Adolfo’s--I think that’s conservative”), chairman of the Blue Ribbon, doing the welcomes, and giving full credit to Harriet Deutsch, who arranged the Ribbon/Saks alliance, much to the pleasure of Martin Fischer, Saks vice president and general manager, and Saks’ Patty Fox and Jill Goldstein.

Said Harriet Deutsch, “A long time ago when I heard the name Adolfo, he was designing hats, and I loved them. Now I wear his clothes almost exclusively. He’s a man who really knows how to make a lady look her best.” It was a very pen-in-hand-note-taking affair. Said Mrs. Deutsch later, “I wrote two pages of notes; I’ve already ordered a red knit cape--short--and the suit with black trim.” Marion Jorgensen had put in a bid for the black velvet dinner suit with the rhinestone buttons with pearls in the center, and the satin blouse.

The best-dressed were enthralled: Ginny Milner, wearing a Galanos red silk; Nancy Weakley in a black Valentino (“but Adolfo is one of my favorites”); Dr. Barbara Sziraki, who ordered the grey military dress with the epaulets and “double-breasted” skirt. More in the crowd were Lorraine Sloan, Diane Glazer, Maggie Wetzel, Nancy Livingstone, Elisabeth amilian, Betty Ann Koen, Lady Dodge (looking for a brown Adolfo), La Vetta King, Emily Peck, Peggy Parker, Clarise Ellis, Louis Dougherty, Mary Ann Heidt, Pam Clyne, Lisa Bell, Kathryn Klinger, Lillie Zanuck, Marianne Rogers, Betty Field, Diane Downey, June Banta (just home from her other home, Chicago).


The ahhs and polite applauses at the silks, satins, peau de soies wools were a sophisticated hum to the recorded nostalgic swing--”Oh Look at Me Now,” “Someday You’ll Be Sorry”--sort of a subliminal hint to go Adolfo. Considering were Patricia Ketchum, Mrs. Mervyn Leroy, Mrs. Bert Malouf, Mrs. Joseph Marx, Mrs. Chase Morsey, Mrs. Dimitri Skouras, Mrs. W. Clark Smith, Barbro Taper, Mrs. Donald Tronstein, Mrs. Harry Volk, Mrs. Del Webb.

During the show guests were supposed to munch on the gourmet hors d’ oeuvres from Parties Plus under the aegis of president Julie Loshin who tenderly packed them in hand-painted boxes. Muriel Cameron appropriately ate hers, with a sip of champagne, but most carried the boxes home, with one member seen munching in a Mercedes while departing. Said Mary Weir, “I hope everyone opens the boxes, and they don’t get put away on a shelf until Christmas.”

Past Perfect: A crowd gathered to dedicate and open the First National Model Victims’ Crisis Center at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Tuesday. Among them--Doris Dolan, Marilyn Duque, Robert C. Hill, William N. Kove, Mrs. Richard Ndatale, Allene L. Nungesser, the Rev. Lloyd Ogilvie, Keith W. Renken, Robert L. Toms and C. Ray Wilson...


Taizo Watanabe, Consul General of Japan, hosted a reception in Hancock Park to meet the Kabuki Troupe from Japan before their opening night performance of The Grand Kabuki Wednesday evening at the Japan America Theater. The opening was sponsored by Watanabe, William A. Wise, senior vice president, El Paso Natural Gas Company and the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center...
