
Two Firms Accused of False Report That A-Plant Met Safety Regulation

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Associated Press

A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted Indiana & Michigan Electric Co., an affiliate and an engineer on charges of falsely reporting that a nuclear power plant met a federal safety regulation.

The indictment names Indiana & Michigan Electric of Fort Wayne, Ind., which is licensed to operate the plant; American Electric Power Service Corp., which provided technical and engineering services for the plant; and Jude G. Del Percio, 33, of Sayville, N.Y., a senior nuclear engineer for American Electric Power Service.

The defendants “engaged in a pattern of criminal conduct designed to permit continued operation of both Units 1 and 2 of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant without complying” with Nuclear Regulatory Commission rules, the indictment said.


Both corporations named in the indictment are wholly owned subsidiaries of American Electric Power Co. of Columbus, Ohio.
