
The Region - News from Sept. 12, 1986

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State Atty. Gen. John Van de Kamp said children who believe that their families are being hurt by their parents’ drug use have the right to report them to authorities. “If children feel that strongly about it and their parents are violating the law . . . they should feel comfortable about stepping forward,” Van de Kamp said at a joint press conference with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Bill Honig in Los Angeles. Honig agreed that children should do “something about it . . . if their parents are using drugs,” but said “whether that’s going to the police, that’s something that has to be thought out.” Honig and Van de Kamp also announced a new campaign to fight drugs in the schools. “We have the ability through our schools,” Honig said, “to make a dent at the start . . . to give our students a moral inoculation.”
