
Local News in Brief : Deputies Arrest 35 Revelers in Valencia

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Thirty-five adults and juveniles were arrested Saturday night when Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s deputies broke up a noisy Valencia party.

Sgt. Ken Fowler said residents of Alicante Drive called deputies about 10 p.m. to report a loud party. When deputies arrived at the house in the 25800 block of Alicante, they found revelers in the street and in the yard in front of the house.

Deputies asked the party-goers to stay inside the house and turn down music. As deputies questioned people, Fowler said, a scuffle broke out between an adult and two deputies. Douglas Collins, 20, was later arrested on suspicion of battery of a peace officer.


Eighteen juveniles were arrested and booked for a variety of violations ranging from disturbing the peace to public drunkenness, Fowler said. Seventeen adults were arrested and booked on similar charges.
