Hoping for Good Vibes in a Kazoo Hunt
Sally Guisinger of Brea, who works with a group of senior citizens, has been making noises about obtaining a number of kazoos, preferably the old-fashioned metal type, but she will take the heavier plastic ones; so far, her search has hit only sour notes. Can you strike a chord with Guisinger by recommending a source, or will your silence be considered a blow that might prevent her senior citizens group from banding together for old-time music?
Speaking of old-fashioned items, Marvin Snyder of Beverly Hills has been wearing out lots of shoe leather in his search for a hassock ; not even garage sales have been productive. Can you cushion the blow and help lift up his spirits--in addition to his tired legs--or will he wonder whether a conspiracy is afoot to lay him low?
Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Bernice at (213) 693-3422 wants to get her hands on a Model 961 foot presser (or presser foot) that is used for hemming on a Vigorelli sewing machine. Please help so that Bernice can start putting her foot down when it comes to pressing matters.
Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items and for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number. Jane Albright of Hacienda Heights, who was looking for Trewax paste, should not be swept away by the number of places that carry it, some not far from her. The nearest is probably McVey Hardware, 9556 Las Tunas Ave., Temple City, according to Harriett Hill. (Hill says they also stock the Revere handles several readers have been looking for; see also below.) Another source in the San Gabriel Valley (according to a Mrs. Wright), is Hansen’s Hardware, 101 W. Main St., Alhambra; they carry the paste wax in clear and Indian sand. Jacquelin Hill writes that Franklin Hardware, 21936 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, carries Trewax in clear, brown and Indian sand. And a reader who lives near the Convention Center in Los Angeles says they have three cans of clear that they bought at a sale some years ago; if interested, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
We also have a mail-order source. Mary Brown of Long Beach says Craftsman Wood Service Co., 1735 W. Cortland Court, Addison, Ill. 60101, lists Trewax (H-4801 in the catalogue) at $6.95 a one-pound can plus shipping (minimum order $10). But Albright will undoubtedly be floored by a suggestion from two Costa Mesa readers, who suggest using a professional floor finisher. They use Chemglaze, a urethane type that smells and has to be handled with care but which does the job, they say.
We now have a factory source for the many readers who have been looking for replacements in Revere handles and other Revere products. Please contact Consumer Service, Revere Copper & Brass, P.O. Box 250, Clinton, Ill. 61727, Attn. Kay; the telephone number is (217) 935-3111.
We have two more sources for makeup hoods in the Southern California area. Mary McCurdy of Norka Image & Fashion Center, 2139 Tapo St., Suite 103, Simi Valley, Calif. 93063, (805) 584-1950, says they carry the hood with zipper for $6. And a Palm Springs reader says she noticed an extensive selection of the hoods at Date Palm Beauty Supply, 35-899 Date Palm Drive, Cathedral City, Calif. 92234.
Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.