
Laurel Undercuts Aquino, Suggests Voters Set Election

United Press International

Vice President Salvador Laurel, in a move against President Corazon Aquino, suggested today that voters decide if they want presidential elections next year or if Aquino should remain in office without elections until 1992.

Critics of Aquino, led by Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile, have called for prompt elections, claiming she forfeited her legitimacy by scrapping the 13-year-old constitution promulgated under Ferdinand E. Marcos.

But a recently drafted constitution that is to be submitted to a referendum next year would keep Aquino and Laurel in office until 1992.


At a news conference, Laurel said the debate can be cleared up by asking separately on the referendum ballot if Aquino and Laurel should remain in office until 1992, or if presidential elections should be held next May. He proposed that the results be binding.
