
Letters : Robinson-Dornan Race


Your editorial on the 38th Congressional District and the battle between Richard Robinson and Robert K. Dornan (Oct. 30) was fair and accurate--as far as it went. You mention Robinson’s possible association with Moriarity, but fail to point out Dornan’s tacit approval of the CIA’s illegal involvement with the contras’ dirty little war in Nicaragua.

If the electorate of the 38th wants to retain a rabid fanatic whose fury and wrath can lash out at anyone at anytime, as evidenced by his outbursts on the floor of the House and in several news interviews, it should vote for Dornan. (He frightens me.)

If the people in the 38th would rather have someone with a semblance of sanity and with proven legislative ability represent them, they should vote for Robinson. Heaven knows that he can’t be worse than Dornan and could well prove to be much more capable of serving the diverse needs of the population of this district.


Buena Park
