
Justice Bird’s Losing Campaign


I found Zimmerman’s piece very enlightening. However, doesn’t Zimmerman realize that it’s precisely his attitude that indirectly germinates this “uninformed electorate?” Frankly, I’m sick and tired of this “win-at-all-costs” philosophy; it’s exactly what perverted American politics in the first place.

I’m not saying the considered negative campaign tactics weren’t an accurate picture of the opposition, I’m sure they were, or that they don’t have their place in a campaign; but it’s quite obvious, Rose Bird did not wish to use manipulative tactics in any effort to “win” her position. After all, Bird is a person of law, not a person of politics.

So for good or for bad, she stuck by her ideals. The American people (as I’m sure Zimmerman has) continually scream for those politically involved to be true to their beliefs; then, just as one comes along, they toss her out. I beg Zimmerman to watch carefully, two years from now, when politicians start exchanging “Negative Campaign Tactics” as if they’re John McEnroe at Wimbledon, and the electorate rant and rave that the candidates don’t have anything “positive” or “progressive” to say and don’t bother showing up at the polls.



Van Nuys
