


To hype its upcoming “King Kong Lives!,” De Laurentiis Entertainment sent exhibitors a synopsis of the excitement to come. We’re privy to the letter but . . . BEWARE THAT YOU’LL BE EXPOSED TO IMPORTANT PLOT DETAILS):

”. . . Kong has been transported to the Atlantic Institute where Dr. Amy Franklin (Linda Hamilton) watches over him day and night. A team of medical specialists has diagnosed the need for a transfusion of compatible blood and a heart transplant, or Kong will die.

“Far across the world in the wilds of Borneo, Hank Mitchell (Brian Kerwin) is exploring the rough terrain when he stumbles onto the furry palm of a giant hand! Hank has discovered a new Kong . . . a ‘Lady Kong!’


“Dr. Franklin pleads to have the giant ape transported to the U.S. to facilitate Kong’s transfusion. Requests are granted and Kong survives the successful transfusion and transplant (we don’t know who’s heart he gets).

“Kong soon becomes aware of the female ape and is instinctively driven to seek her out. Escaping from his confines, Kong finds Lady Kong and quickly frees her from her captors. Together, they leave civilization to take refuge in the mountains of Georgia.

“Federal officials discover that Kong has escaped and mount an all-out search for him. Col. Nevitt (John Ashton), who has exhausted his tolerance for the animal’s violent temper, orders Kong shot if he brings harm to any citizens.

“The apes find time for a little privacy, but when King Kong momentarily leaves his lady’s side, she is recaptured. Kong remains undiscovered for a while, yet his animal instincts eventually lead him to the institution where the now-pregnant female is being housed. . . .”

Without divulging any more, suffice to say that we get to meet Baby Kong and wallow in the many sequel possibilities.
