
Reagan and the Unfolding Iran-Contra Deals

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Pardon my anger and indignation. For years I have watched our Presidents being subjected to inane and crass behavior by the harassing questions of the self-righteous and hypocriticalpress. Well, enough is enough!

Just a few days ago President Reagan was being criticized and badgered for not taking enough action to secure the release of hostages in Lebanon. But now that it is discovered that he has been taking a definite plan of action for some time there is an uproar.

What did the President really do? For reasons of national security and to protect the lives of the hostages Reagan did not tell all. Why? Because certain congressmen, reporters and any number of idiots have not the common sense, integrity or honor to keep their mouths shut. If a soldier divulged such secrets he would be court-martialed for treason. President Reagan should not be required to offer an apology, he should be given one.



El Toro
