
Reagan and Revelations About Arms to Iran


After the forced resignation of President Nixon, communist expansion exploded worldwide.

Now we have the specter of the same individuals in the media, Congress and leftist organizations responsible for that catastrophic event, attempting to involve President Reagan in a similar scenario that would inevitably result in another wave of communist conquests.

President Reagan, as does President Nixon, understands well the Soviet goal of world domination, and their methods of achieving that end.

Simultaneous with the present inquisition a thorough investigation should be made of the motives of those members of Congress who have shown such sympathy and support for the Sandinista government of Nicaragua and comparable antipathy for the Freedom Fighters. Lenin had a name for these people--”useful idiots.” Unfortunately, they are also “dangerous idiots.” How can they not know the threat to our national security that exists with a communist presence nearing our borders?


A re-evaluation of the impact of the War Powers Act, the Boland Amendment, and other initiatives that affect a president’s ability to properly conduct foreign policy, is long overdue.


Mission Viejo
