
Salary Increases


I have just finished reading an item in The Nation column (Dec. 15), and I am livid with outrage. It states that the Federal Commission on Executive, Legislative and Judicial salaries will recommend hefty raises for 3,000 top-level positions--from a maximum of $75,000 a year to $135,000 a year.

In the same issue I read about the terrible problem we are having with a budget deficit in the multi-millions and a national debt in the trillions. Obviously this is the thinking of the Reagan Administration. Cut back on Medicare, welfare, aid to the sick and infirm, and stuff the pockets of the politicians. It also states that our President, the smiling cobra, is in favor of the increase, and has the power to put it into effect if Congress does not reverse his decision within 30 days.

The increase also includes members of Congress. I can just see them reversing a decision to increase their salaries. How long will they be able to fool the public and get away with such disgraceful behavior?



Beverly Hills
