
Eckert ‘Out of Touch’


Paul Eckert’s remarks in your Dec. 26 article (“An Undaunted Eckert Says Political Career Isn’t Behind Him”) show why he lost his reelection bid. He blames his defeat not on his voting record but on a childish voter mentality. In fact, the man was simply out of touch with his constituency.

Mr. Eckert says he lost because the voting public collectively has the mind of a 12-year-old when it comes to growth issues. Had he realized this, he would have addressed the issue.

Mr. Eckert did not adequately address the growth issue because, politically, he could not do so. His voting record showed a patently pro-growth tilt. Councilman Bill Cleator’s mayoral campaign experience shows how difficult it is for a candidate who tries to build environmental credentials at the last minute. Any similar effort by Paul Eckert would have failed (and met derisive laughter from the coastal communities).


There is a fine line between a doggedly philosophical representative and an offensively self-important one. Paul Eckert, “Mr. North County,” passed over that line. Blaming his defeat on a stupid electorate is just another indication of how far over he has gone. Though Mr. Eckert may call his actions over the years “eccentric,” his constituency would describe them as “arrogant” or, at the very least, “out of touch.”


Del Mar
