
The Region : Teachers Still Picketing


Striking teachers remained on the picket lines at Compton schools as negotiators prepared to resume bargaining talks that broke off last Friday. Pat Ryan, president of the Compton Education Assn., which represents about 90% of the Compton district’s 1,400 teachers, said bargaining sessions were to have resumed Wednesday but were postponed for a day at the request of the district. “I hope we have reached a turning point,” he said. The labor dispute escalated Tuesday when 20 people were arrested for refusing to end a nonviolent but noisy sit-in at district headquarters. The 13 women and seven men, most of whom were identified as teachers, were released on bail of $250 each after being booked on suspicion of trespassing. Teachers, who say they are the lowest paid among the 43 school districts in the county, are seeking a 7% pay raise.
