
Allred’s Estranged Spouse Faces Texas Fraud Hearing

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The estranged husband of attorney Gloria Allred, his daughter and two other officers of his North Hollywood aircraft parts firm were ordered Friday by a federal magistrate to return to Texas to face an indictment charging them with selling counterfeit parts to the Air Force.

U.S. Magistrate Ralph Geffen told the four to appear in U.S. District Court in San Antonio after attorneys for the defendants agreed to waive all proceedings here.

The federal grand jury indictment, charging the four with 15 counts of mail fraud and giving false statements, was unsealed in San Antonio on Jan. 30.


Accused are William Allred, 56, president of Donallco Inc., which manufactures and repairs aircraft parts; Teresa Allred, 34, his daughter by a previous marriage and a company director; Joseph Kehoe, 59, vice president, and Antonine Haddad, 52, a product manager.

The four have pleaded innocent to the charges and are free on $25,000 bail each.

According to federal prosecutors, the defendants sold the government aircraft couplings and drive shafts that they claimed were unused government surplus materials purchased from Norfolk Naval Air Station in 1973.

In fact, the indictment said, the parts were actually manufactured by Donallco and never inspected by the government.


The indictment said the counterfeit parts were delivered to an Air Force base in San Antonio and elsewhere in the United States between 1981 and early this year.
