
Lakeside Hotel Doesn’t Represent All Lakeside


Congratulations to The Times for stereotyping Lakeside and its inhabitants once again.

I refer to your narrowly minded article concerning the interview at the Lakeside Hotel and Lakeside’s “general disinterest” in the America’s Cup Race.

You could have gone to an equally seedy establishment in Pacific Beach and found people just as disinterested in the race. You could have been more creative and conducted a telephone campaign to find out who was watching the race in Lakeside. The Lakeside Hotel has a questionable reputation at best for being too rowdy a place to even enter! It hardly represents the feelings of 40,000 people!

I bet you won’t retract the essence of that article and turn it around in favor of the East County people.


And by the way, the same stuff you find on the grass after a horse show at the Fairbanks Ranch will also be found on the ground after the Lakeside Rodeo!


