
U.S. Arrest of Pro-Palestinians


This latest FBI-INS escapade in rounding up nine pro-Palestinian advocates has taught me one lesson. If one dares to speak out for the plight of the Palestinian people and against Israel’s militaristic, expansionist policies, you are subject to imprisonment and deportation!

Having lived and worked in the Middle East, having observed firsthand how Israel is leading the United States down the road to a nuclear holocaust so it can usurp more Arab land, I do my best to inform my fellow Americans of the danger that blind, unquestioning U.S. support of Israel will lead us to.

I suppose the FBI would also find me a dangerous person to the security of the United States because I speak out for the injustice done to the Palestinian people and the danger an expansionist Israel poses to launching World War III.


I am observing this case of the arrested nine pro-Palestinians with great interest. Pray tell, could the FBI arrest me via the INS at 7 a.m. some morning in the future and attempt to deport me on the grounds my ancestors didn’t fight in the Revolutionary War or that I dare to speak out against Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians?


Los Angeles
