
San Diego


A city-appointed task force has laid the groundwork for a plan that, if adopted by the City Council later this year, would place on the November ballot a bond issue to finance improvements at Mission Bay and Balboa parks.

The task force, established last month by Mayor Maureen O’Connor to assist the council in selecting a bond package for park improvements, will meet several times in the next month to draft a proposal for the council.

The 34-member panel is studying various bond issues that, according to a report by City Manager John Lockwood, are needed because the two parks “are in need of attention in the next two years.”


Lockwood’s report outlines the need for improvements costing $42 million at Balboa Park and $34 million at Mission Bay Park.

City officials also hope to place bond issues on the June, 1988, ballot for a central library downtown and improvements to the Police Department’s communications center.

Most of the improvements being considered by the task force concern restoration and repair of structural damage of park buildings, including the Museum of Man, Museum of Art and Museum of Natural History.

At Mission Bay Park, beach restoration and improvements in restrooms and other facilities are also being considered.

The task force is scheduled to make its bond proposal to the City Council on April 30.
