
Libya Refuses to Bargain on Disputed Strip

From Reuters

Libya said Sunday that the Aozou Strip whose sovereignty it disputes with Chad is an indivisible part of Libyan Arab land that is not open to negotiation.

The People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison (Foreign Ministry) said in Tripoli that the strip “ . . . has not been, is not now and will not be in the future an object of bargaining, international arbitration or concession.”

A statement by the committee was carried by the Libyan news agency Jana, monitored by the British Broadcasting Corp.


Tripoli said it was outlining its position in response to what it described as statements by France and Zaire on a settlement for the Chadian issue.

Jana’s report said that French Cooperation Minister Michel Aurillac had no right to speak on behalf of Africa, while Zaire’s President Mobutu Sese Seko “ . . . does not know the meaning of sovereignty . . . .”
