
‘Dirty Attitude in a Dirty Little War’


The murder of Ben Linder by U.S.-backed terrorists is a stain on our national honor--yet another illustration of the morally bankrupt, politically perverse and senseless policies of the Reagan Administration.

Linder was an educated, sensitive man who cared not a whit for politics or money. Instead he served the poor people of Nicaragua as a volunteer, subsisting as they subsisted, on next to nothing. In a small but real way he tried to make daily life a little more bearable for a few thousand peasants.

His reward was an early grave, courtesy of the contra thugs who exist solely because of U.S. funding and support. He joins thousands of ordinary Nicaraguans whose deaths at the hands of the contras did not merit front-page mention in U.S. newspapers.


Linder’s blood is on the President’s hands. The only way to remove it is for Reagan to call off the mad dogs his Administration bought and trained, and to offer economic and humanitarian aid to those Nicaraguans who have survived five years of U.S.-sponsored murder.


Los Angeles
