
Appreciation of the Constitution


This summer will mark the 200th anniversary of a most momentous event in our nation’s history--the convening of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The Commission on the U.S. Bicentennial headed by former Chief Justice Warren Burger has called on Americans at all levels of government to participate in a “national civics lesson” during the approximately four-year period that corresponds to this convention and the ensuing national debate over its ratification.

The U.S. Constitution embodied, for the first time in human history, a blueprint for a structure of government in which ultimate authority resided in the people. The tripartite division of power between the executive, legislative and judicial branches, the federalist system, and the Bill of Rights all were designed to check abusive government and to assure maximum individual freedom.

Through the further expansion and refinement of its ideals by way of amendments and court decisions abolishing slavery, expanding the franchise, and assuring equal protection and civil rights for minorities, it has remained a model for free governments throughout the world.


Orange County civics groups, schools and churches are encouraged to join in the national recognition of the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution by appropriate commemorations and educational programs.

Only through a renewed understanding and appreciation of the origins of our constitutional heritage can we be assured of its survival for future generations.



Crosby is an attorney in Irvine.
