
W. Germany Bars Entry to Foreigner Said to Have AIDS

From Reuters

A Senegalese woman, said to be a prostitute and identified as an AIDS carrier, was turned back at the West German border, the first foreigner to be refused entry since new AIDS guidelines were introduced in West Germany, Interior Ministry sources said Tuesday.

The 22-year-old woman, who had lived illegally for six months in West Germany, was stopped when trying to re-enter the country from Switzerland on May 9, they said.

The sources said the action was the first of its kind and followed guidelines from federal Interior Minister Friedrich Zimmermann to border guards that known carriers of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus could be denied entry under existing laws.


The sources said the unnamed Senegalese woman told border guards during questioning that she had been a prostitute for over a year in France and had worked in the red-light district in the West German city of Aachen.

They said guards then searched her bags and found a certificate from a French clinic saying she had syphilis and carried the AIDS virus.
