
Shouldn’t Ignore the Positive Side of ZZZZ Best Co. Founder Minkow

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Daniel Akst’s story on Barry Minkow, founder of the ZZZZ Best carpet cleaning firm, painted a picture of a man who is only interested in conning his customers out of their money.

But it may be found, when all is said and done, that it was Minkow himself who was conned by a small group of dishonest employees. And nothing was mentioned of all the good that Minkow has done to improve the everyday lives of people in the community.

Minkow donated carpeting, money and services to the West Valley Family YWCA, which enabled it to continue to serve the recreational and social needs of the community. He started a scholarship in Narcanon to help people who have had drug problems move ahead with their lives. And he was involved in the making of a commercial that showed how drunk drivers can shatter the lives of innocent victims.


It may be found that mistakes were made at ZZZZ Best, but let’s not convict Minkow before all the facts are in.


Van Nuys
