
Shultz Still Loyal to Abrams in Spite of ‘Mistake,’ He Says

United Press International

Secretary of State George P. Shultz said today that he is still loyal to Assistant Secretary Elliott Abrams even though Abrams “made one mistake” by not notifying Congress of a $10-million gift he had solicited from the Sultan of Brunei for the Nicaraguan contras.

“The thing about Elliott Abrams is it’s not so much loyalty, although I’m loyal to Elliott,” Shultz said. “It is (that) Elliott has done an extraordinarily good job of administration in an extremely difficult atmosphere. He made one mistake in not bringing out to the Congress a solicitation that he was involved in.

“He recognized he’d made a mistake and he dealt with it, and I think we want to help him recover from that mistake. And he’s trying to.”
