
Alhambra : Children Get Free Meals

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Free meals will be offered to children 18 and under as part of the Summer Food Services Program. Recreational activities also will be offered at each site in the federally funded program, which is coordinated by the Human Services Department and runs from June 22 to Sept. 4.

At Alhambra Park, lunch will be served from noon to 2 p.m., snack from 3:30 to 4; Almansor Park, lunch from noon to 2, snack from 3:30 to 4; Granada Park, lunch from 12:30 to 2:30, snack from 4 to 4:30, and Story Park, lunch from noon to 2, snack from 3:30 to 4.

For more information, contact the recreation office at 570-5081 or the Human Services Department at 570-5044.
