
THE IRAN-CONTRA HEARINGS : He Leaves No Shred of Evidence Unread

From a Times Staff Writer

Lt. Col. Oliver L. North, who has shown a keen ability to parry questions at the Iran- contra hearings, found himself enjoying a bit of repartee Friday with one of his interrogators, Senate committee counsel Arthur L. Liman.

The moment left both men laughing and relieved some of the tension produced by Liman’s lengthy examination of the former White House aide.

Liman mentioned a key North memorandum that North had overlooked last November as he shredded others dealing with the secret funding of the Nicaraguan rebels.


“Are you criticizing how well I did my shredding?” North asked coyly.

“Colonel,” Liman replied after a pause, “my eyesight has suffered from reading what you left behind.”

“I deserved that one,” North grinned as the Senate Caucus Room filled with laughter.
