
Experienced Travelers


The lead item in Jerry Hulse’s Travel Tips on June 21 relating the experience of the Dale Thompsons on Las Ramblas in Barcelona is self-contradicting.

Thompson said: “We are neither inexperienced nor careless European travelers.” Yet when his front trousers pocket was picked his wallet contained “ . . . my passport, traveler’s checks, credit cards and cash.” That, to be kind, is unbelievably careless.

I recently had my front trousers pocket picked when boarding a Metro subway train in Paris, but the thief got only a 20-franc note (about $3.40). My traveler’s checks, credit cards and passport were in a shoulder holster pocket and my cash was inside my trousers in a wallet fastened to my belt. Such measures can save one from the experience the Thompsons encountered.


My wife and I recently enjoyed a warm May afternoon along Las Ramblas and had no problems.


San Bernardino
