
Bakkers Asked to Return Jeep, Alarm

From Times Wire Services

A Jeep and an elaborate, remote-control security system in Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker’s mountain hideaway were bought with PTL money and should be returned to the ministry, PTL officials said Thursday.

PTL spokesman Don Hardister, Jim Bakker’s former bodyguard, said the Jeep was taken to the Gatlinburg, Tenn., home for the Bakkers’ use and the burglar alarm was installed to protect the house while the Bakkers were away.

“The Jeep was purchased by check in California with a company check,” Hardister said. “We want them to have what they own, and we want what we (PTL) own.”


The latest complaints against the Bakkers came as PTL was announcing the layoff of 100 employees and advising workers that not all would get paychecks today.

Chief Operating Officer Harry Hargrave told a meeting of employees at the ministry’s Heritage USA resort Thursday that “we have $700,000 in house.”

“Only a part of the payroll will be ready tomorrow,” he said. “We will begin paying the lower-paid employees first and work our way up until we run out of money. Hopefully by midweek, the remainder of employees will be paid. We don’t know if it will be 30%, 40%, 50% or 60% of workers (who) will be paid. We will make our best effort to do so.”
