
Wants More Aid for Rebels : Contras Must Be Involved in Peace Plan, Dole Says

Associated Press

Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.) said Wednesday that any Central American peace plan should include a pledge that the United States will not abandon the contras who are fighting Nicaragua’s leftist government.

The contras should also be involved in any talks with Nicaragua about the future form of that nation’s government, Dole said in a speech in St. Louis. A copy of the text was released by Dole’s Washington office.

The presidents of Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Honduras last week signed a regional peace agreement. It provides 90 days for the nations to set final terms for amnesties, cease-fires, democratic reforms, a cutoff of aid to irregular forces such as the contras and a prohibition on use of national territories by rebel groups.

Favors Pursuing Talks

Dole, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, said he favors a “good faith pursuit” of the talks outlined in the plan. But he added that there should be “a clear understanding that vital U.S. interests” are not addressed by the plan.


He advocated “reaffirmation that the U.S. will not abandon the contras,” more aid to the contras, and new talks that involve the United States in discussions about the Soviet and Cuban regional roles.

Dole said he and Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Thad Cochran of Mississippi and Steve Symms of Idaho will visit the region on Aug. 30 and will meet with the contras. He said the group may also meet with Sandinista leaders, but that session has not been confirmed.

President Reagan also has proposed a peace plan calling for a cease-fire, restoration of civil liberties and preparation for internationally supervised elections by the Sandinistas. If the Sandinistas accept the terms by Oct. 1, when the annual appropriation of U.S. military aid to the contras expires, the Administration will not seek an extension of the aid.

“We just can’t abandon the contras,” Dole said. “American credibility can’t stand one more trip down that disastrous road. They have to play a role in negotiations. They have to be a party to both cease-fire arrangements and post-cease-fire political activities inside Nicaragua.”

Dole proposed what he termed a “very simple and reasonable proposition . . . as insurance that all sides will try to end” the war.

Wants Aid Renewed

“Let the Congress renew aid to the contras now,” on several conditions, he said. “Humanitarian aid would continue to flow, until the contras are fully re-integrated into Nicaragua society, on acceptable terms.


“Military aid would stop Sept. 30. But the President would have the authority to resume it--unless Congress objected--if the Sandinistas try to take military advantage of the period of negotiations or cease-fire,” Dole said.
