
Israeli Treason Suspect Reported Beaten by Guards

Associated Press

Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli nuclear technician accused of treason for saying Israel makes nuclear weapons, was beaten by guards today on the way to the second day of his closed-door trial, his attorney said.

Access to the courtroom was blocked and its windows were boarded up today as the Jerusalem District Court heard the testimonies of secret service agents who have questioned Vanunu in Israel.

Defense attorney Avigdor Feldman said Vanunu, 32, was forced to wear a helmet to conceal his face and, when he attempted to remove it, was beaten by his guards as he was transported under heavy security to prevent him from making contact with reporters.


“There were blows,” Feldman told reporters, adding that he had complained to the court. He said the judges would decide whether Vanunu would be compelled to wear the helmet.

Feldman quoted his client as saying he was “ready to promise not to try to contact journalists in an unauthorized fashion if he didn’t have to wear the helmet.”
