
Cuomo Wants to Remain Above It All: as a Commentator Up in the TV Booth

From a Times Staff Writer

New York Gov. Mario M. Cuomo is negotiating for a lofty position at next year’s Democratic National Convention--as a commentator high in the anchor booth for Cable News Network.

Cuomo has insisted during travels to a half-dozen states and to Moscow that he will not be a Democratic presidential contender. A CNN spokesman said Thursday that if a contract is concluded, however, it will not contain a clause barring Cuomo from accepting a draft if balloting is deadlocked.

“If he was in the booth and it became clear there was a draft, he would leave the booth,” said Steve Haworth, a CNN spokesman.


The governor already has at least one media engagement. He has agreed to serve as an interrogator during a debate of Republican presidential candidates sponsored by the Des Moines Register in Iowa on Jan. 8.

Gary Fryer, a Cuomo spokesman, said he would not accept a fee for the Iowa appearance and Cuomo had assured the newspaper’s editors he would not be a candidate for the White House before the invitation was issued.
