
Benefit Concert for Peltier


No, I think Coyote “misses the point.” (“FBI Misses Point of Convicted Killer Benefit, Actor Says,” Calendar, Oct. 27). Of all the causes he could support, why choose one associated with such an unsavory character as Peltier? If he and the other celebrities who participated in the recent concert in Peltier’s behalf really want to find a worthy cause, may I suggest giving a benefit for the victims of violent crimes and their families.

I know personally what such a fund-raiser would mean to many of these individuals who have often dealt with enormous medical and legal bills. My father was gunned down in a robbery attempt at his business in 1982. No one had to worry whether or not his murderers received a fair trial--they were never caught. My mother has struggled financially since his death. Receiving even $1,000 would make all the difference in the world to her.


Huntington Beach
