
All Mental Hospitals in State Accredited

From A Times Staff Writer

All five California mental hospitals have been accredited for the first time in state history to reach a “milestone of humanity,” Gov. George Deukmejian announced Saturday in his weekly radio address.

The accreditation of Metropolitan, Camarillo, Patton, Atascadero and Napa Hospitals, which contain 4,800 patients, was granted by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals.

Fewer than 25% of the nation’s 260 state mental hospitals meet commission requirements, the governor said.


The action means California is the only large U.S. state to have all of its hospitals for the mentally ill and the developmentally disabled accredited.

The state’s seven hospitals for the developmentally disabled, which care for 7,000 patients, were accredited three years ago.
