
Wright, Reagan on Nicaragua


The Times (Part I, Nov. 15) reporting on President Reagan’s radio address from Camp David, indicates that the President refuses “to put the United States in the middle of Central American peace talks” and that U.S. officials did not meet with Nicaragua’s Ortega.

Is it not too bad that the President did not adopt this same generous concept, namely that the U.S. should leave it to the countries in Central America to solve their problems, when he made the decision to fund the Contra’s invasion of Nicaragua.

Another concern that I have is the manner in which Reagan first joins Wright in a peace plan and then, when it seems that peace is a good prospect, has a snit because Wright is still encouraging the process. Reagan may have some other interests in mind, but his motivation seems to me to be crystal clear--If it is going to succeed, then take my name off the program.



San Diego
