
Loyalty to Local Musicians

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In regard to the Oct. 29 article (on) the Ventura Symphony, I would like to clarify a few points. First, I would say that the newspaper did a fairly good job of presenting the issues involved.

However, the headline and opening paragraph made it seem like the local musicians are not as good as the Los Angeles musicians. In the case of many, this may be true. However, this is not always the case. I know that there are local musicians, including those that have resigned, that have played with major orchestras of much higher caliber than the Ventura Symphony.

It is a shame that in an effort to present good music the Ventura Symphony is neglecting and even harassing loyal local musicians that are of professional caliber. It is admirable that the Symphony has improved and grown, and Frank Salazar and all those behind the scenes should be commended.


I have known Frank Salazar for 27 years, and my father first played with the Symphony 24 years ago, so it is sad to see this type of turmoil in the orchestra. The community has been loyal to Frank Salazar. Now I would like to see him be loyal to the local musicians.


