
Protecting the Environment

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Your article “Environmental ‘Fanatics’ Try to Keep Things Wild” (Part I, Nov. 29) reminds me of how easy it is--in the midst of all the world’s crises--to forget the state of the earth. We live in the earth, and the earth is rapidly approaching its own crisis. When I hear about groups like Earth First! I can only regret that there are so few of them. And is monkey wrenching worse than the mass poisoning of the entire planet? As you have pointed out in your articles and editorials, that trend is still unchecked! The present life style we enjoy is at the expense of the planet and future generations. Those who make money from this type of business may be able to ignore the anger of this generation. But as future generations find themselves with less and less. . . . ?

And who are the real “demons” of the situation? The answer is simple: We are! We, the consumers! We let this go on! Why are we paying other people to poison us? The answer is we are living for the moment, and do not have time to consider these things. Fine! I have nothing against pleasure. But when blind “living for the moment” is ruining the planet for hundreds of generations into the future there is legitimate cause for concern.


Culver City
